Published Mystery Novels

Call Me Mikki

Goal driven college student Michaela (Mikki) Ross is focused on a future career as a television news journalist. But from the first day of her new part-time job at a local television station, Michaela’s life takes a sudden and unexpected turn. She meets handsome middle-aged news anchor, Patrick Daniels. He invites her to be his sidekick camera woman in an investigation into fracking that is tearing the Texas Country side apart. Amid death threats and a murder, a romantic entanglement deepens, and her resolve to not fall in love begins crumbling. The balance of desires and dangers threatens to tilt in the wrong direction… 

Product details

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Sage Words Publishing (September 10, 2016)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 330 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0997096225
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0997096224
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 13.4 ounces
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 5.5 x 0.75 x 8.5 inches

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Hotel Saint Clare

A Caribbean island paradise, a place filled with happy carefree people whose only concern is the pleasure of the tourists. NOT. Appearances are superficial. Lust, greed, envy, jealousy, murder all can be found within the Hotel Saint Clare and Nara Blake: young, beautiful and inexperienced, meet them all when she takes on the job of hostess at the hotel. Fortunately, not everyone falls into those categories, and help and support and the promise of romance help Nara into her new life. 


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Lydia's Story

A simple box of mementos, hidden in a farmhouse in Wales for nearly seventy years, is enough to set Nara Blake on a search for the truth about her great-grandparents and to put her own life in danger. Even as she begins to read her great-grandmother’s diaries, a French brother and sister whose family lost everything in World War II, blame Nara’s family for their lost wealth, which includes a priceless Cezanne painting. As both families learn the truth of their ancestors’ activities during the war, they are put on a collision course that can only end in the destruction of long-held beliefs, and ultimately one must pay the price for the losses of the past. 

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The Gate House

The old gate house where Nara Blake and her father lived in the English Midlands was cold and filled with secrets. And Nara wasn’t the only one who felt its mystery. Although Nara’s aunt insisted the building held nothing more than useless trinkets and cheap copies of nineteenth-century artwork, someone had attempted to break in, until Nara caught them in the act. And the police force of the small English town where nothing ever happened was suddenly besieged with burglaries and a murder. As the net of British law began to close in on the art thieves, Nara found herself and her family caught in the net. And the new man to whom she has opened her heart is helping the police to close in on them.


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In this fourth book in Kathleen Heady’s series featuring Nara Blake, the story takes us to a small Spanish town in the Pyrenees, where Nara and her now-husband Alex Collier travel to retrieve several notebooks that belonged to a British artist who died there during the Spanish Civil War. Nara and Alex have plans to meet the parish priest, who has possession of the notebooks, in the church during siesta. When they arrive at the church, they find that he has been killed by a vicious blow to the head. They soon learn there is a history of crime in the town going back many decades. But as they are caught up in the criminal investigation, they also learn of the strong ties of family and friendship that exist, even extending to Nara’s own family. 


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Out of The Picture

Vince Singleton, a writer, part-time English professor at Philadelphia Sacred Covenant University, and a huge movie fan suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder. He witnessed the accidental shooting of his wife by a policeman during a robbery. Vince, however, suspects that her death was intentional. Now, an old friend of his is found dead amid unusual clues. Vince helps the lieutenant working the case, despite his wariness of policemen. Faculty members associated with animal abuse are murdered and strange items are discovered near the bodies. Vince determines that the clues refer to movies, and, with the help of his daughter, his journalist brother, and a female professor, tries to find the killer before another person is taken … out of the picture. 

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The Bigger Picture

Vince Singleton’s life has improved since his knowledge of movies helped to catch the serial killer who killed his associates at a Philadelphia college. Even the PTSD symptoms caused by witnessing the allegedly accidental shooting death of his wife, Jewel, have lessened. He now has a girlfriend and is more socially involved, blogging on behalf of women fighting against sexual abuse. While his friend, Lt. Raymond Newman, works to discover whether Vince’s spouse was murdered, a new predator emerges who targets independent and sexually liberated women. This killer forces Vince to play a treacherous game of deciphering movie clues by threatening the women in his life. Vince, along with his daughter, Hope, and her film fanatic circle, must stop the murderer before another female joins the cast of victims. 

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Westobou Gold

 The Indian Queen would risk torture and worse to keep her secrets from these barbarians in suits of metal and their search for cities of gold. They never found the gold. Empires rose; empires fell, the centuries passed. Legend became fireside myths, but no treasure was ever found. Yet, among the grey-green drapes of wisteria and wild jasmine along the misty shrouded lowlands of bayous and marshes of the Westo River, the folktales persisted. 
In the lazed creep of a near-tropical dawn lit the pungent Turkish coffee permeated Moccasin Hollow. Beyond the kitchen door Lucky, Craige Ingram’s German shepherd gnawed a favorite bone. Looted burial mounds seemed a world away until plundered mounds on Moccasin Hollow land brings amateur archaeologist PI Craige Ingram into the cross-hairs of kidnapping. Stealthy hideaways are concealed in old colonial brick-lined river grottoes beneath the big house of Ardochy plantation. Sex-tape underage blackmail and thrill killings on federal land spur a medical examiner’s preliminary postmortem to more than a hired cleaner’s quickie cover-up passed off as drug deals gone sour. Greed tangles a witch’s pigswill of illicit affairs and murder-to-hide-murder. Shady investigators and shadier politics stir an unexpected concoction that threatens the lives of those at Moccasin Hollow in a spiteful plot against ex-SEAL Craige Ingram and the woman he loves. 

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Curse of the Ancients

​As Craige Ingram climbed the stairs of the derelict building, that peculiar stench of a dead body hit him. It was the same smell no matter where—SpecOps SEAL encounter gone sour, or in a vacant, roach-infested apartment. Inside, his SEAL buddy-turned head of Buckingham Parish Homicide’s Investigative Support Division, Grayson MacGerald, was huddled with the coroner next to a swollen decaying corpse that was days old and hardly more than oozing dead meat. The PI inside Craige had a gut feeling that there was more to this than a dead body, and Craige’s Grannie always told him, “Trust your feelin’s.” But that was before Mihály Keaulescu set down two of his Black Falcon choppers on Craige’s Moccasin Hollow private airstrip in an uninvited stopover. It got worse. From his airstrip to Israel, to Turkey and a nightmare-dream of one-of-a-kind ancient artifacts that not only threatened the serene life Craige knew and loved at Moccasin Hollow, it would destroy the world. 

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Dead Gold

The dazzling lure of Olympic gold fame is a spotlight glare hotter than any fifteen minutes of fame. During plans for a cross-country ski vacation, Aspen Police Department Criminal Investigation Division Detective David “Spinner” Krespinak and SEAL-bud Craige Ingram are ensnared by glamour, upmarket glitz and bling, and greed in the deadly champagne powder world of a money-gets-you-anything high-country ski-mecca. Body parts start turning up in the most unlikely places. As the two friends start their investigation, A hornet’s nest of the local elite do not want the publicity. For good reason it seems, they may be part of the mystery of bodies and body parts piling up at the morgue. The closer they get to the killer, the more confused they become. Who is behind the murders and mutilation? The list of suspects grows as they close the net on the killer. The tender underbelly of Aspen is not what it seems. It is a raw open sore that oozes blood, drugs, and murder. 

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Blood of the Dragonfly

While dangling a fishing hook from his flat bottom skiff before dawn, former SEAL-turned-PI Craige Ingram spots grey-black smoke coiling above the treetops across the river in the direction of the Georgia bayous and Corpsewood Manor. Bayou or bogs, fire in the uncut cypress and pines bodes a sense that the river is no barrier to the fire that threatens his ancestral home, Moccasin Hollow. Neither are the bodies later found in the burned mansion of Corpsewood Manor. Craige wastes no time in helping his ex-SEAL buddy Lt. Graysen MacGerald who is now Head of Buckingham Homicide Investigations by unofficially investigating the bodies and an exquisite dragonfly brooch found in the mansion with a reputation for evil, hauntings, and mystery. 

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The Helping Hands

The kidnappings of seventy-one children began the legend, but five friends with troubled pasts and courageous futures created it. Melanie O’Conner and her friends earned their reputation as rough and tough gang members, but the Hell Hounds were a mere front to their true operation. Fueled by the pain of a past filled with foster homes and cold-hearted guardians, Melanie lives with a deep, undying devotion to saving the lives of children who are victim to child abuse. Bringing them to a secluded island called the Treehouse, Melanie and her gang feeds, schools, and cares for them all, leaving the parents nothing more than a message claiming that their child has been taken. Now, four years into the project dubbed the Helping Hands by the five members of the cover-up gang the Hell Hounds, Melanie has to fight to keep the nosy, self-interested reporter Stephanie Mathews from exposing the truth being her project. And Melanie is willing to do anything to save the lives of innocent children from their abusive parents, even if that means risking her own. 

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Shadows in the Night

“Shadows in the Night” is the second book in the Helping Hands legacy.

Melanie O’Conner is being released back into society after her arrest seven years ago. Fighting to keep hold over new Helping Hand gangs across the country, she struggles to find the balance between her past and “normal” life. 
But transitioning into that new, normal life doesn’t come easily. Her friends have gangs of their own, past acquaintances have moved on, and now someone is after her, vowing to kill those she loves so she can watch them die!
Melanie is forced to watch the Helping Hands run into traps, thwarted by abusive parents and thugs wanting money, until they lose sight of what O’Connor has taught them. When Tyler turns away from her, a close friend is murdered, and the Helping Hands are threatened by shadows lurking in the night, Melanie must make a decision – give up her project and save her friends, or embrace her past, and fight to the death. 

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The Iron Fist

When one of their own was murdered, everyone feared it would be the end to the Helping Hands. But as they are now learning, the real difficulty lies not in mourning the loss of a friend, but in protecting the project that took his life. Kelly Mitchell is dedicated to just one thing – protecting her little sister from their stepfather’s wrath. When her family moves to San Francisco, she struggles to keep her home life a secret, avoiding the charms of her neighbor, Robbie Anderson. But when her stepfather sets her up and sends her to a juvenile detention camp, Kelly will attain her own protection in the service of Melanie O’Conner. Forcing herself back into society as a reformed rebel, Melanie finds herself surrounded by a life filled with friends, security, and family. But the illusion of a life without disaster is shattered upon the discovery of a new, unplanned gang of Helping Hands, and two cops threatening to put her back in prison. When faced with the copycat gang that brings the FBI to her front door, when Kelly and her sister plead for an escape from the iron fist of their abusive stepfather, when Tyler lands in the hospital and faces death, Melanie must decide which is more important – having a normal life away from the burdens of her past, or protecting the project that granted her that life. Whatever choice she makes, someone must suffer the consequences. 

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Melanie O’Conner is no stranger to having enemies. But after fifteen years heading the clandestine Helping Hands project, she will soon learn that those enemies come in many forms, including ones she never would have suspected.
Her enemies’ current goal: destroy The Helping Hands and everything they stand for. And so, Project: Abandon is launched. Children are killed just as her Helping Hands gangs prepare to save them. Someone attacks Melanie during a visit to her hometown. And when she thought it couldn’t get any worse, the ones she loves most are kidnapped or even murdered.
Now, Melanie must rely on her strengths, street smarts, and courage to face her tormentors before they tear down the framework she worked so hard to build – and before they take her family away from her one by one. It is up to her to save those still alive – or die trying.

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